Customized Coffee Blends For Business
Deepen connections within your sphere of influence by becoming a fresh-roasted part of their daily routine.
Specializing in

Chat with Colonel Coffee.
He'll ask you questions about your preferences, follow up with feedback about your responses, and then build a custom blend based on your conversation.

Blend Bot brews up something special.
Your preferences will pass through the forest of discernible truth and cross the river of unimagined ideations before settling in the land of possible outcomes where we'll find the bean blends and roast options most suited to your tastes.

Review your coffee blend profile.
We'll make a few recommendations based on our conversation and explain how we designed your blend with your own, sharable, coffee blend profile.

Tennessee coffee roasters Trusted for our commitment to quality products & exceptional service.
Whether you need a lot or a little, all of our coffee is fresh-roasted at our facility in Chattanooga, TN and delivered to your door the same week it is roasted.
To learn which blend would be best for your own tastes, click the button and let's talk coffee.

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